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Montana Level Cap Sampler
Montana Level Cap Sampler

Montana Level Cap Sampler

From skinny caps for ultra-fine detail work to fat caps for super-fast fills, the Montana Level Cap Sampler has it all! This pack includes one of each cap in Montana's Level Cap System, which scales from ultra-fine to ultra-fat in order from Level 1 to Level 6.

AP Staff Tip:
The best-selling Montana Level 1 is nice and thin; we found this to be a good 'take your time' slow output cap. The Montana Level 3 offers an even, fine mist great for adding 3D effects.

Pack Includes:

  • 1x Level 1 Ultra Skinny Cap
  • 1x Level 2 Fine Skinny Cap
  • 1x Level 3 Soft Skinny Cap
  • 1x Level 4 Soft Fat Cap
  • 1x Level 5 Fat Cap
  • 1x Level 6 Ultra Wide Fat Cap

  • Learn more about their compatibility with our Domestic Can Chart & Foreign Cans Chart

    This product was added to our catalog on Monday April 05, 2021.
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